Hmmm, hari ni agak tension sbb byk kerja nak disettle kan dan celah2 tu ada la meeting nak kena attend, phone call, email minta mcm2... argh tensionnya aku pastu tgh2 blog walking kat blog2 org terdengar lagu Miley Cyrus yang tengah hits skrng. Actually dah lama dengar kat radio tp bila dengar lagu tu hari ni mcm bagi semangat pulak kat aku sbb lirik. So jom nyanyi sama2 dgn video dari youtube ni.
The Climb - Miley Cyrus
I can almost see it
That dream I´m dreaming but
There´s a voice inside my head saying
You´ll never reach it
Every step I´m taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I
I gotta keep trying
Gonna keep my head held high
There´s always gonna be another mountain
I´m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I´m gonna have to lose
Aint about how fast I get there
Aint about what´s waiting on the other side
It´s the climb
The struggles I´m facing
The chances I´m taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I´m not breaking
I mean I know it
But these are the moments that
I´m gonna remember most
Just gotta keep going
And I
I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on
There´s always gonna be another mountain
I´m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
And sometimes I´m gonna to have to lose
Aint about how fast I get there
Aint about what´s waiting on the other side
It´s the climb
There´s always gonna be another mountain
I´m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes you gonna to have to lose
Aint about how fast I get there
Aint about what´s waiting on the other side
It´s the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith
It´s all about
It´s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
Ya betul. Yg penting adalah proses mendaki tu, bkn secepat mana kita sampai dan bkn sbb apa yang ada di sebalik gunung tu. Arghhh... Fakarudin!!! bila nak pi panjat gunung lagi ni... That's all. Bye...
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Compilation of Curler Units Tutorials
Firstly i want to thank Folding Trees because of your post on Readers’ Pics: Flowers contain photo of my Red Curler Units which feel such an honor to me. Do visit this site because it has links to other sites on art @ craft which most of it are easy to make.
Since many of you want to know how to fold this gorgeous ball, so this is a kind of tutorial or may be just a link to a tutorial since most of the tutorials have copyright on their site.
The first site which i want to recommend to u all is from British Origami Society which have detail diagrams on how to fold a unit and how to assemble the units together. But this site have many instructions with less pictures.
The second site that i want to suggest is Encaracolado which i don't know the meaning of the word itself. However it is not a barrier for me and perhaps u all because the pictures here tell a thousand words which u will understand what i mean, when u look at it.
This next blog that i found would very useful to all of us because it shows how to arrange the units in different numbers of units and shape that will make your units look different although the units is the same. Amazing isn't it!!! The pictures in this site also give u idea how to make a colourful Curler Units. U can click on this picture below to go to the site (which i cannot pronounce the words, hehehe):

And lastly a video from youtube, in case u all still cannot visualize how simple it is to make one unit of a curler unit and how to attach them together:
Hope u all can share with me all your photo via email, blog, flickr, picasa or anything with me when u all finish making Curler Units. Good luck & have fun folding it, adios...
Since many of you want to know how to fold this gorgeous ball, so this is a kind of tutorial or may be just a link to a tutorial since most of the tutorials have copyright on their site.
The first site which i want to recommend to u all is from British Origami Society which have detail diagrams on how to fold a unit and how to assemble the units together. But this site have many instructions with less pictures.
The second site that i want to suggest is Encaracolado which i don't know the meaning of the word itself. However it is not a barrier for me and perhaps u all because the pictures here tell a thousand words which u will understand what i mean, when u look at it.
This next blog that i found would very useful to all of us because it shows how to arrange the units in different numbers of units and shape that will make your units look different although the units is the same. Amazing isn't it!!! The pictures in this site also give u idea how to make a colourful Curler Units. U can click on this picture below to go to the site (which i cannot pronounce the words, hehehe):

And lastly a video from youtube, in case u all still cannot visualize how simple it is to make one unit of a curler unit and how to attach them together:
Hope u all can share with me all your photo via email, blog, flickr, picasa or anything with me when u all finish making Curler Units. Good luck & have fun folding it, adios...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
July and 1000th visitors.
Hi everybody, hmmm time pass by so fast and it's July already. I just came back from my holiday and being loaded with tonne of works with my name written on the minutes. Sigh... what a busy day and i still don't know how to finished all those works.
However, when i browse my blog, the counter on my blog turn out to be 1000 already since february 2009 so congrate to me & to all of you for visiting my blog.
Today i just wanna share on pictures of my long weekend project. Project no 1: Pink Kusudama Bowl. It just Kusudama bowl in pink with things in a bowl and a tsuru on it's edge:

One more which i lazily done is 12 units (not 30 as usual) Leroy's Chrysanthemum. It should have 30 units and 5 petals to look like a Chrysanthemum flower but with 12 units this is what you get:

Hmm people keep asking me about tutorial or instructions on how to fold things. Well for kusudama bowl you can follow the video in my blog under title What is Kusudama?
and Leroy's Chrysanthemum
To Cathy, i will post a tutorial on how to fold curler units later, k. bye.
However, when i browse my blog, the counter on my blog turn out to be 1000 already since february 2009 so congrate to me & to all of you for visiting my blog.
Today i just wanna share on pictures of my long weekend project. Project no 1: Pink Kusudama Bowl. It just Kusudama bowl in pink with things in a bowl and a tsuru on it's edge:

One more which i lazily done is 12 units (not 30 as usual) Leroy's Chrysanthemum. It should have 30 units and 5 petals to look like a Chrysanthemum flower but with 12 units this is what you get:

Hmm people keep asking me about tutorial or instructions on how to fold things. Well for kusudama bowl you can follow the video in my blog under title What is Kusudama?
and Leroy's Chrysanthemum
To Cathy, i will post a tutorial on how to fold curler units later, k. bye.
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