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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is kusudama?

Even if you haven't seen a dinosaur so far, and have a chance to see kind of this work, maybe you won't think that a dinosaur is made from a origami paper.
Because you know what the dinosaur is by TV, books, movies...etc...could be.
A dinosaur is an ancient animal, and it is made with bones and blood and meat... etc (sorry, I don't know detail), so it's not a thing made from paper.
Seismosaurus (C) Origami Club / Diagram

But if you see this work of photo, you may think a kusudama is made with (origami) papers.
Because you don't know what kusudama is.
Origami is technique to express form of something (for example, animal and plant and accessory...and so on) with papers.
Kusudama origami is a thing which express an kusudama with origami papers.

So, this is a point.
What is the kusudama?

Kusudama is one of the ornament made with some herbs or flowers(iris, Japanese iris, Citrus tachibana...etc).
It means to prays for longevity and prays for a good health and prays for good luck(fortune), also it means a blessing for every thing...

The Japanese kusudama (薬玉; lit. medicine ball) is a paper model that is usually (although not always) created by sewing multiple identical pyramidal units (usually stylized flowers folded from square paper) together through their points to form a spherical shape. Alternately the individual components may be glued together.

The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words kusuri, Medicine, and tama, Ball.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusudama

It is the manners and customs that came from China about 1200 years ago.
You can see the detail in this page about what is kusudama.
---What is kusudama by Atelier Puupuu

Here is a videos on how to make an Origami Kusudama:

Hope you all try to make one and share pictures of your kusudama ball with me. Try first before you say it difficult, k. Good luck. Bye.

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