Pada satu malam cuti, masa tu cuti umum dan boleh balik dari asrama sekolah menengah aku tu, selepas menonton rancangan tv, aku masuk ke bilik aku untuk tidur. Aku tidur dengan lena kerana jam telah menunjukkan pukul 1.00 pagi.
Kira2 dalam pukul 2.30 pagi (aku agak2 ja la), telefon rumah berbunyi. Selalunya aku tak hirau telefon tu sebab panggilan telefon rumah untuk mak aku. Mak bangun dan angkat telefon, pastu dia ketuk bilik aku dan panggil "Iwan, telefon ni, ada orang nak cakap". Huh, aku heran la yg amat, tapi bergegas pi jawab telefon tu. Mana pi tau, kot ada emergency.
Tiba - tiba ada orang menjerit "Happy Birthday Wan...!!!!, MERDEKA, MERDEKA, MERDEKA!!!"
"Hello (aku masih mamai), sapa ni" tanya aku masih heran...
"Woi, tak kenal ka, dok mamai lagi ka, mai celebrate birthday dengan kami ni"
"Woi, R ka? Hampa ni gila ka pagi2 ni call orang, orang tengah tidur sedap2 nih, hehehe" Aku tersengih, mak kat tepi terpinga2.
"Mai la sini kami kat stadium ni sambut merdeka, tidoq apa awal2"
"Hampa ni buat kerja gila la, hampa celebrate la, aku dok kat rumah tidoq lg baik" aku kata sambil fikir balik, kalau aku nak pi pun mana boleh, nak pi dengan apa?
"Apalah hang ni wan, x sporting aaa, bla bla bla (aku pun x ingat apa yang depa kata dah)"
"Lantak hampa la"
"K lah wan, hang x mau mai x pa la"
"Ok, bye"
Lepas letak telefon mak tanya, sapa tu. Aku jawab kawan. Mak kata habaq kat depa jangan dok telefon la pagi2 ni kacau orang, selalu orang telefon pagi2 ni sebab ada kecemasan. Aku sengih dan masuk bilik dan sambung balik tidur.
Tu la kejadian yang menimpa aku yang aku masih ingat sampai hari ni. Kawan2 sekolah yang gila2, kawan2 kolej dan universiti yang penuh dengan darah muda. Tapi ni cerita zaman muda2 dulu, sekarang dah tua. Hehehe.
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan yang ke 53.
1 Malaysia Menjana Tranformasi
Selamat Berpuasa kepada seluruh umat islam.
Welcome to
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
a free day in the bless Ramadhan month
Salam 1 Malaysia readers...
Huh, it is been a while i have been a way due to my hp camera was not functioning very well couple of months ago.
Today, at last a free of hastle day in the bless month of Ramadhan bring my blog a light back. Hehehe. Hmmm, today start with a good morning, a good sahur, with a few stuffs to prepare as Raya is just around the corner.
Then, i make up my a room a little bit, although it still a mess. Hehehe. Hope i can tidy it up all together during a holiday this week. :-)
Then, feel a bit tired as a lot of energy were used, i relax my body on my bed. Suddenly i remember the templates of a couple origamic architecture (oa) that i have printed couple days ago. Hmmm, this a day to do it.
With all the gears, i start to make the oa cards and in a few hours, ta da:

This one is called Polyphonie im Kubus. Yup, it is not very well done here because the card that i use is too soft. I also think that the design is a failure too.
Then the second cards turn out like this:

And this card turn out quite good and the picture too :-)
Then i went outside, a postman delivered me with a good wish:

With a letter of raya invitation:

All of that make me smile all day long.
Till then, Selamat Berpuasa.
Huh, it is been a while i have been a way due to my hp camera was not functioning very well couple of months ago.
Today, at last a free of hastle day in the bless month of Ramadhan bring my blog a light back. Hehehe. Hmmm, today start with a good morning, a good sahur, with a few stuffs to prepare as Raya is just around the corner.
Then, i make up my a room a little bit, although it still a mess. Hehehe. Hope i can tidy it up all together during a holiday this week. :-)
Then, feel a bit tired as a lot of energy were used, i relax my body on my bed. Suddenly i remember the templates of a couple origamic architecture (oa) that i have printed couple days ago. Hmmm, this a day to do it.
With all the gears, i start to make the oa cards and in a few hours, ta da:

This one is called Polyphonie im Kubus. Yup, it is not very well done here because the card that i use is too soft. I also think that the design is a failure too.
Then the second cards turn out like this:

And this card turn out quite good and the picture too :-)
Then i went outside, a postman delivered me with a good wish:

With a letter of raya invitation:

All of that make me smile all day long.
Till then, Selamat Berpuasa.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Me with Irfan

Hari ini Jumaat, 27 Ogos 2010, Zaid Irfan Daniel mai ke rumah pukul 1.00 pm, time orang nak pi sembahyang jumaat. Pastu dia suka kacau la'lang dia.
Padan muka kena tarik telinga.
Irfan kata "Irfan suka makan nasi lemak!!!", "La'lang pulak?"
La'lang kata "La'lang puasa, Hahahaha, mana boleh makan"
Irfan kata " La'lang ni jahat la, orang puasa la".
Thursday, August 5, 2010
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