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Saturday, October 10, 2009

18 of 9 colours origami roses.

A day one roses, 18 days u got 18 roses with different colour:

With this roses, i can turn it into this:

or this:

Aren't they lovely for wedding gifts and centerpiece or hand bouquet...


  1. Oh, they are JUST LOVELY!!!! Do you have a tutorial or any idea of where to find a pattern/instructions on the web? Michelle

  2. Hi Michelle,
    tq for the compliment. You can find the tutorial here: http://www.fukuyama-th.hiroshima-c.ed.jp/oribara/
    just click on the button with the picture of yellow rose with number 1.
    Good luck.

  3. cute esp the flower bouquet.. tempah 1 boleh?-laili-

  4. Hehehe, Flower bouquet tu bukan saya buat org lain buat, cari kat internet dan letak kat blog ja. plan nak buat la, tp x tau la bila nak jadi sbb byk masa nak kena ambil.

  5. hehe.. surely u can do it.. find yr sweet time, k.. :) -laili-

  6. Wow, you have such creative hands!! It's not easy to follow the video tutorial at times but you rock them!! Beautiful!

  7. Thanks laili and teacher jessy for your kind words. You can do it too, if you believe and keep trying until you succeed.

  8. Iwan,

    Kak Khaida baru jumpa blog Iwan. Impress betul... cantik...
    Nanti ada lebih bagi Kak Khaida satu...
    Kirim salam Mak.

    Kak Khaida, JB

  9. Tq, kak Khaida. Boleh buat lima kuntum kat Kak Khaida kalau nak. Tp kena balik mai sini la ambil. Hehehe. Kirim salam kat org2 johor juga.


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